Why is a refund from supermarket Asda not on the cards?

Credit card aplication

Asda failed to deliver an online food order and, three weeks later, I’m still £111.87 out of pocket. I paid using Asda Christmas Savings Cards marketed as a way to “take the financial pressure off”. Had I used a credit card, I would have a further source of redress. Each person I speak to seems to be following the same script, insisting a refund had been made to my “credit card”. When I pointed out no credit card was involved, they just go vague.
JW, Bangor, Gwynedd

Asda’s scheme, which can be used all year, allows customers to top up their card each month and receive an annual cash bonus of between £1 and £15. The idea is to help spread the financial load. In reality, it means you have money trapped on a card that can only be spent at Asda, and fewer legal protections if there’s a dispute.

Sign up for credit card

Only when I waded in did Asda decide the problem was with your card rather than the competence of its staff. Why customer service agents didn’t mention this is a mystery. “Due to a technical issue relating to the card we were not able to refund it immediately,” it says. “We have since sent out a new card with the full amount owed.” It’s also added £20 in goodwill.

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