Readers give their verdict on’s customer service

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Thanks to all of the readers who answered last week’s call for feedback on buying electrical appliances from There were plenty of positive experiences from readers who had made multiple purchases. These included some who had problems which had been resolved. However, a considerable number reported a similar experience to the original writer, and said they’d felt the company just wanted to palm the matter off on the manufacturer. But it seems more readers recommend the service than don’t.

Just remember the contract to supply the item is with the retailer (in this case and not the manufacturer – and it is up to the former to sort out problems.

One thing that stood out in the comments was complaints about Hotpoint. The company, already at the centre of an appalling tumble dryer fiasco, is impossible to contact, say readers. With that in mind, I wouldn’t be buying its products any time soon.

The last word in service

While we are in positive mood, two readers have recently commended a cookware supplier, Circulon, for its excellent customer service.

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AM from Manchester contacted the firm on Wednesday 28 April to report a problem with his pan and received a replacement the following Saturday.

Another reader, who had a complete set of pans, claimed on the firm’s lifetime warranty and was sent several replacements without a problem.

It is good to report on a company that stands by its products and honours its guarantees – a stance that is all too rare these days.

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