My flat’s gone down in price because of Land Registry delays

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In February I applied to the Land Registry to extend the lease of a flat I am selling. After three months, during which time it failed to respond to requests for updates, I was told new submissions were taking 10 months and the expected completion was 27 December. It said it would try to expedite my case and get back in 10 days, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it will have completed the paperwork. I’ve accepted an offer on the flat but, to keep the buyer, I have had to reduce the price.
TC, South Shields

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The Land Registry says that most straightforward updates, such as house sales, complete within six weeks, but non-urgent submissions are put to the back of the queue. If the delay compromises a sale, or threatens hardship, you can ask for the case to be fast-tracked at Expect completion – not just updates – within 10 working days. Your case was duly fast-tracked and the lease extended.

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